MBA Intern


Job Description:

Intern to support statistical analysis for key client studies. Duties include management of market research projects and data analysis. Excellent working and creative environment. Starting salary is $10.00 - $17.50 per hour.

Job Requirements:

We are looking for an individual with good business acumen and exceptional organizational skills. Fluency in French, German or Visual Basic a plus. Candidate must be able to work full time in the Summer and at least 20 hours during the Full adn Spring semesters. This is an entry level position for an MBA candidate with full time potential upon graduation.

To apply, please click here.


CaseBauer has 5 practices:
Market Modeling, Strategy/Business Development, Benchmarking, Market Research and Business Services.


Open Positions
Business Consultant
Analyst I
Analyst II
Multi-Lingual Interviewers
MBA Intern_

Employment Application

Contact Us

580 Decker Drive
Suite 250
Irving, Tx. 75039
Ph: (972) 719-6800