BUSINESS SERVICESVenture/Start-up Company Foundation Database |
CaseBauer's business foundation service is a resource designed specifically for new ventures and start-up companies. Avoid the miscues and failures that result from 1) making critical decisions and commitments based on anecdotal or "free/second hand" data; 2) not having the information you need in a timely to support predictable and critical decision points; and 3) over spending early on and not having the resources to support the continuing needs of the business. Ours is a "no-nonsense" approach whereby we chart your information needs over a 1-4 year period and provide you with a serial plan to minimize your information investment and serve your most critical needs effectively and timely. Our programs are targeted to:
Activities are gated to your development and financing milestones. |
CaseBauer practices in five areas: Market Modeling, Strategy/Business Development, Benchmarking, Market Research and Business Services. |