Multinational Political/Third Party Payer Analysis


Increasing scrutiny of technical medicine expenditures (e.g.; pharma, IVD, imaging) will continue as healthcare payers struggle to deal with:

  • healthcare budgets (national/regional) that are exceeding the tax base and insurance premium base collected for healthcare services;
  • healthcare benefit overheads that are reducing the industrial competitiveness of the G-7 nations in an increasingly competitive world market;
  • population demographics that are shifting such that the consuming segment of the population (the elderly) is growing, and the contributing segment of the population (the working class) is decreasing; and
  • growth in the per capita costs for healthcare procedures growing faster than inflation.

A Multinational Political/Third Party Payer Analysis examines the medium and long range implications of current or emerging initiatives (e.g.; "Clinton Healthcare" in the US, "Plan Juppe in France," and "USL/Privatization in Italy) on a product or service. These analysis will examine how payers will analyze, value, rank/prioritize your new product/service. These analyses will also examine alternate pathways and the critical factors to becoming a "standard of care".

CaseBauer practices in five areas:
Market Modeling, Strategy/Business Development, Benchmarking, Market Research and Business Services.

Strategy Development
Market Analysis
Corp Profiling
Due Diligence
Tech Valuation
Industry Brief

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Suite 250
Irving, Tx. 75062
Ph: (972) 719-6800